Sunday, August 7, 2011

Can I Get an AMEN? hehe... (an easy couple of points) ?

So this may seem like not so much a question... But how many of you out there who are trying to get pregnant find "day 28" in your cycle to be the absolute worst? I mean it's not enough that your mind is whirling asking itself over and over and again whether the "symptoms" you are feeling are just PMS or something a little bit more exiting, but then we have to wait for dear AF to show up (or not show up) which to me right now is the worst thing ever!! especially since i am sitting here at work in front of my computer ALL DAY trying not to stare at the countless number of pregnancy websites just calling out your name, begging for you to come and read all the juicy little articles about what your baby looks like right now at this exact moment... not only that, but the fact that you feel like you are having to pee all the time and you do feel slightly nauseous but can't tell whether it is in your head or not.... I just hate days like today, I almost wish that i could have morning sickness instead of this right now, just i would know for sure... To me i think this may just be the hardest phase of my (hopefully) pregnancy... Am I just insane or are there others out there like me too? (I guess of course it doesn't help that i have been so slow at work and have nothing else to do then ask these crazy questions :-) )

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