Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How do I get the love of my life back? Please help me!?

Okay, so me and my ex boyfriend named dakota had been going out 3 moths. Well like 3 or 4 nights ago we got in this huge fight... Well in the beginning of the relationship he told me none of his friends really liked me but he didn't care because he loved me! Well the other day at school he told me he had very deep feelings for this other girl named Katie. And she is actually one of my friends. Like we aren't very close but we talk often. Well that night we were texting and he said that he really really liked Katie. And Than he liked her more than he liked me. And I said "well if you like her more than me go for her!" I just got so mad when he told me that. And I said well you need to choose because its me or her. And all he kept saying was "I can't choose" And i said "well it's either the one you supposedly love, or the one you like more than the one you supposedly love." And again he said "I can't choose" And all that day there were rumors going around that he was going to break up with me. And I said well if you're going to break up with me then just do it okay! And he was like I'm just so confused. And This girl had turned him down twice before. So I said, Well if you break up with me, ask Katie out and she says no, guess who's not gonna be here anymore, ME! And I was like Dakota I'm not going to be youre rebound! Well the next day at school he broke up with me in like 2nd block. I was crying and couldn't stop. And he tried to walk beside me and stuff. Ihave been like all depressed and stuff for like 2 days and this morning he texts me and he's like I asked katie out, and I said well what did she say and he was like she said no. Well i just bursted out laughing so hard because he lost a girl that loved him deeply, but any`hoo, I was like well idk why because any girl would be crazy to turn you down, and he was like whatever, and i said well she much have been well worth it for you to break the girl that loves you heart. And he was like she really is. And i was like whatever Dakota. Well a little bit later he called me and we talked on the phone for like 2 hours. Just about regular stuff. Well later that night he called me back and i was like do you still have feelings for me at all and he was like kinda and i was like oh. And then he said I never ment to hurt you. And i was like thats what they all say. lol, And then he was like why would you think you were gonna be my rebound and i said idk, and he was like i would never dot hat to you. And i was like oh. Well like 3 minutes i text him and im like what are you doing and he was like why we just got off the phone, and i said I'm justed not used to not saying i love you when we get off the phone with eachother, but i guess i will just have to get used to it. and he said well why dont you find a nother boyfriend and say it to him, and i said i dont want another boyfriend. i love you and it wouldnt be the same plus love doesnt happen in 5 minutes it takes time.And he said aw really and i was like yeah. Dakota, i really love you more than you or anyoe else could ever imagin. and then all he said was really. and that is where my story ends. lol PLEASE HELP ME ON THIS! PLEASE !!!!!!

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