Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If an American were to marry a Brit what would happen to their citizenship if they got divorced?

Nothing, you don't automatically become a citizen of the other person's country because you marry them, there's a whole of legal hoops to jump through first. It can takes years to gain citizenship of the UK. For a spouse to gain citizenship in the UK, they must be legally resident in the UK for a minimum of 3 years then apply Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), once ILR is granted you must wait a year before you can apply for citizenship by naturalisation. In theory once ILR has been granted you could divorce, you could even separate during the period leading up to applying to ILR but you would need to satisfy immigration authorities that the marriage was genuine - if the split is acrimonious & the British citizen decides not play ball there won't be an issue around citizenship. Generally speaking once citizenship is granted it isn't usually revoked, unless it can be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the marriage exists for the sole purpose of defrauding immigration & gaining residency for one or other of the spouses, in which case you'd both be in sh*t, presumably there are crimes which allow the authorities to strip a person of their citizenship & deport them back to their home country.

Would you rate Oakland CA as a top 11 city in the country?

You know Oakland, a poor Bay Area city, crappy schools, and the second highest crime rate in the Bay Area. That and CA's taxes.

How do I designate others to become moderators at our group site?

I ume you are the owner of that Group (because you must be to appoint moderators). If so, then log in to your Group's web site. Then click on Members on the left-hand side of the page. Then go through the list until you find the member that you want to promote to moderator. Just under this member's login name will be an Edit Membership link (pencil icon); click on it. Then click the Change To Moderator link down in the Membership Privileges section. Then, in the Moderator Privileges section towards the bottom of the screen, check each box that represents a privilege you want to give that moderator (it's common to give all the privileges in the left-hand column, but be very picky about which privileges in the right-hand column you give him/her). Don't forget to click the Make Moderator on (towards the lower-right-hand corner) when you're done.

Sharpening fishing knife?

I dont know if to use water or oil with my sharpening stone. The box just says SHARPENING STONE ALUM/OXIDE 6"

Will the real barack obama stand up?

Obama's intentions are clear (and they are not honorable) - but the problem is, there is a mindset of pack mentality here among star-struck young voters, and largely black voters - who believe the Utopian Picture Obama is painting for vulnerable, easily manipulated voters. The Democratic party members have no choice but to "go with the flow"...........But there is more to come out about Obama to be sure - and the super delegates may just be giving up their opportunity for another chance at the White House. It will be McCain that prospers when the rest of the dirt is revealed. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot......

Dark Knight question?

Who exactly was responsible for putting Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes in the rooms with the explosive barrels? Was it the Joker or was it Sal Maroni? Did the people who picked up Harvery and Rachel (Wurtz and Rameriz) know what was going to happen to them? Were Wurtz and Rameriz working for the Joker?

Should I keep her as my friend?

Okay so I told my friend Leah I kinda act like a vampire (I hate the sun, I can play Beethoven on the piano without even learning it first, I'm a freaking super genius, I am pale and have black straight hair, and I can run scary fast and not get out of breath) and I told her not to tell anyone and she went and told all of the girls that I told her I am a vampire and I have fangs and all that crap.she kept saying I'm sooo sorry but now all of the girls are pissy at me and are talking crap about me. So I told Leah I hated her for doing that and I would never trust her again and I dont know what to do....

Why does an electric field always leave a conductor perpendicular to the surface?

I know that the vector sum of all the electric fields at that point will cancel out so you are left with the one that is perpendicular but i dont think that's the answer they're looking for. I have a sort of an idea that it has to do with electrostatic equilibrium where charges distribute themselves so there is as little repulsion force acting on them as possible and if you have a parallel component then it implies that charges must accelerate in that direction which they don't so there can only be the vertical component. Is that vaguely close? Thanks in advance

Is it fair to say that Lady Gaga and Elton John's performance blew the roof of the place?

It was jaw-dropping. Lady Gaga is constantly showing the music industry that no outfit is too crazy and no song too wild. I love her! Plus, Elton John! Wow! It was sensational. Though, I do wish it had been longer.

Americans perception of English people?

I like English people. What I hate are those whiney self hating ones that you see on British tv that want everyone to think the UK should not exist.

Pointers on what else im going to need to take to the hospital with me?

Yea no body spray - u won't need a book either u will b with the baby :0) and I would bring extra clothes for the baby - my clothes I took for my little one were too small so my mom ran to the store and got him some to fit ;0) and I couldn't feed and he wouldnt take a hosp bottle so had to get one one from the house too- house shoes so kfbu walk up n down the hall and a tooth brush ;0) best of luck!

I need a great April Fools prank...?

Okay, thanks for reading my question! Let me get started. So I am is sixth grade and I need some AWESOME april fools prank to pull one 6th grader, a small group of 6th graders and a prank to pull on the whole cl. This needs to be clic. If i want to wipe out the ultimate joker in our cl. But you see, I am the one who is like perfect, always turns her work in etc. so this needs to be GREAT with a capitol G. PLEASE help me!!!? (thanks)!

Im doing a crossword puzzle and my hint is "giving off heat" the word is 10 letters. the 1st letter is "e",4th?

letter is "t" and last letter is "c". by the way this is a chemistry crossword puzzle. Thanks guys!!

What say you, Praying to the Saints?The Bible directs us to invoke those in heaven & ask them to pray with us.

Protestants just love to protest against everything Catholic. no rhyme or reason. that's just how they view their purpose in life. protesting is a well-rooted tradition among protestants.

I wanna ask a guy if he would go to the Sadies dance with me,HELP!?

go with C or D, it would be so rude if he said no especially if you are good friends. If its just a dance he'll say yes since people always go to homecoming with friends. Dont sweat it and just have fun asking him. give him a good laugh

Why do people place Catholic priests up on a pedestal?

Cathlic priests should be indeed placed on pedestals. Hopefully, this will mean that they're out of reach of children.

What to do..?

So I still love my ex gf..i figured the best way for me to get over her was to just ignore her attempts to contact doesnt seem to work though i can ignore her ims and phone calls but a few days later or maybe even a week later she will try to talk to me just confused on what to do..should i just concentrate on school and moving on like i have been..or talk to her?

If I get blunt bangs, can I put my hair up without it looking stupid?

no it wont look stupid i promise, i have weird sidebangs and i can still put it up. you can just clip them back and it will look just fine :]

I want credit card to buy webhost in yahoo?

It depends on your credit rating. Ask your bank for help to apply for whatever credit card they promote

What is the best way to remove rust from my F250 frame?

I bought a 1994 f250 with about only 35,000 miles on it, however as the original owner used it to plow his driveway it has quite a bit of rust on the frame and starting to show tiny specks around some of the fender areas. Should I sc the rust with a hand brush or invest in a sand blaster- if I do does the body have to come off to do it? Also when I sand down the body do I use an orbital or angle type sander?

Need a new nickname for my waste of life brother in law.?

His name is Pj. I usually refer to him as juice or pecker jam but they're getting old. We have a family function tomorrow and I have the pleasure of seeing him and would like to call the doush something different. Any ideas? The more messed up the better.

Why do liberals like to deny facts that Obama is not much different than Bush with a lot of the same policies?

America asked for a centrist; and they got one. Left of Bush was the center at the time. Now the right has moved even farther to the right; so now the new center is back at Bush again.

What do you think of the denial of a marriage license to an interracial couple?

There is a serious problem staring us all in the face. Have you looked at the Black race or any other race lately? There is a diversity of racial backgrounds mixed within the various groups and especially because of the American slavery era. Forced situations made up a technicolor base created by the 'racist masters' who didn't realize that their racial mixing 'might' or 'would be' a problem in the future. Now folk are asking each other all over the internet and on any other venue, "What do you think about racial mixing?" Isn't this a little bit too late to ask whether folk of different races should marry? The only difference in the actions taken would be that now, two folk would actually be making it a consensual and legal transaction. Oh, and before the American slavery times, there was slavery and intermixing for centuries all over the world. So, in actuality no one person is actually of one race. Families may lie about the backgrounds and intermarrying between races and even the 's,' that occurred, but this is all true. I think the question is 'moot' when it is asked in the year 2009. No one mortal being is absolutely of one race or another. The outside appearance of an individual may indicate something about a person, but NEVER the full story. I wish for us all the God-given ability to appreciate that whatever God made, we had better find a way to respect. I do, and am very grateful for God's daily blessings. Peace!

Does anyone know of a way to prevent mold in a Sleep Number bed?

I take it apart about every other month or more if it has been humid outside. I put the foam pieces outside on my deck in the sun and I spray them with Lysol spray. Inside, I spray the air mattresses with a mix of bleach and water, let them sit a couple of hours and then wash them down with detergent and water. I then spray them with Lysol before putting the bed back together again. I've tried letting the Lysol completely dry before putting it back together and I've also left it still wet when putting it back together, either way, I still find mold every single time I open the bed. I have menopause so I have terrible night sweats which is what is causing the moisture. This is a HUGE project every time I do it but I have arthritis in my hips and the Sleep Number bed is wonderful for that so I really don't want to get rid of it. I was thinking about putting some charcoal pieces in there to absorb some of the moisture. Any suggestions?

What do you guys think of the Mariners?

Yes, I know it's early. But they have just been playing really well to start off the season, we got Endy Chavez, who we got to play defense is hitting close to .400, Bedard came out and pitched a great game yesterday. So what do you guys think of this team? Will they make the postseason?

Do you think cenas hot...WQ inside?

WQ: Very close, i'd say Bret Hart is a little better, but most athletes are amazing in the squared circle.

Which steps of mitosis is a nucleus visible?

I would think that the answer would be all the phases because what I'm working on is the phases. And Each phases is taking place inside the nucleus. So i don't know why any of the phases wouldn't have the nucleus visible?

Question for Republicans: Now that Obama is president, do you trust the gov't to not use the Patriot Act ?

Obama voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act. I expect him to use it infinitely more than did Bush. And he won't be looking for terrorists. He'll be looking for "seditionists" and any other opposition to his heavy-handed regime.

Getting Hypnotized?

I plan to get hypnotized soon in order to improve myself in some way. The question is whether I should get hypnotized to lose weight, or to alleviate my fear of public speaking (and similar publicly social situations). Some people might say that hypnotism doesn’t work, but I know myself, and I know that these problems that I have are simply psychological, I just can’t seem to overcome them. So I leave it to you, Yahoo! users, what would make me a better person, being thinner or being comfortable in front of a crowd?

Does anyone know any good fantasy novels?

I would like the novels to be part of a series. Preferably the story follows the lines of a group of kids with supernatural powers who are battling something. Also if there is some romance in it that would be great too. Please DO NOT list twilight or anything that has to do with vampires!!! Also please do not list the lord of the rings, harry potter, the chronicles of narnia, sword of truth, percy jackson books, and the maximum ride books! Any helps would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Dead Space?Chapter 7 Tethers?

(The part with the large asteroid)I have to shoot 4 tethers but could only find two...I'm confused about how to get to the other two to break them?outside the ship?

Do you think Leonardo is hotter now or in his 20's?

I personally think he's much hotter now but that's because I think he looks more grown up and really got into great shape and I find him very attractive now!

Jonas Brothers Concert! Hershey Park 7/25/08?

Okay so I am going to this jonas brothers concert and I am so excited! I want to know if there is a meet and greet and if you show up like 6 hours before the show or if you are the first one there do they give you back stage pes or something? Oh and when they are doing their sound check 6 hours before the show are you allowed in the stadium to watch them and if you are do you get to talk to them?

History and the Declaration help!?

John Adams was on the committee to help write the Declaration of Independence. The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, states that: "We hold these truths to be self–evident: that all men are created equal...". Who do you think John Adams and the other signers of the Declaration of Independence were referring to by "all men"?

Is it possible to avoid serving my jail sentence?

You might already be on a "no flight" status so when your pport is read they will not allow you to fly or enter the country, plus you just gave them your plans since you posted this on the internet. Why not serve the 60 days as usually you would only do half and then have it over with? If they discover your a wanted felon in Thailand you might end up in prison there which would not be "good" and it might lead to other problems later, so think about it. I have been to Thailand several times and it is not that great compared to life here. Think about it and good luck

I want to be a dentest?

Is it hard to get into dentel school? Someone told me average is near a 3.6 now. Is this tru? can i be a dentest?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What is your fav chocolate?

Out of those options I will take Snickers, thank you! However, I love Godiva chocolate! You did not list it as one of the options! I am a chocoholic!:) Happy chocolate eating! Peace!

What is the best hotel in Albuquerque, NM for ski/snowboard?

I am taking a snowboarding trip to Alb. NM and need to know which hotels are best suited for this? Ex: do they have a shuttle/are they close to the slopes?

What do you think of my story?

I read this before you posted to my answer. From what I've read, it sounds really good. Hope you finish it. Best of luck. :)

Who knows Jenakim Edward?; Is Lotto Free a legal game?

Errr... you are kidding, right??? Suggest you have a look in YA under 'Spam and Bulk Mail' - so many questions about people who reckon they've won a fortune in return for a comparatively small amount of'll find your answers there.....

Crochet- Draw up a loop?

stab your crochet hook through a stitch on your previous row (from the front to the back), yarn over and use the hook to pull the yarn back through the stitch you stabbed TAA-DAAAA! you have a new loop on your hook now :D

I'm an ignorant Yank. Help me decide which EPL team I should root for?

I agree that Radiohead are the best band. I also agree that atheism is the best policy. As for Obama, there's no hope in that guy. He's another puppet president, as they've all been. And as for the monarchy, they should be hanged and a socialist republic installed. As for football, why not support Celtic. Look into the history and the meaning. They're the best

Questions for all the people who believe in the antichrist/rapture stuff?

If you're writing a paper on it, I would suggest the link below, which outlines the time of the antichrist and rapture stuff, Daniel's 70th week. It's not mainstream, not yet anyway. More people are studying this and coming to this conclusion though.

I have a 3 year old Advent 7064m & the battery keeps cutting out,as does the connection,been to the website.?

And that was of no help.The A.C. power keeps,disconnecting until I wiggle it ,a wee bit.Can anyone help?

What Does This Virus Do?

My computer is making cartoon noises like cartoons. One is a spring noise and the other is like a spaceship noise. They happen on average every 10 minutes. My daughter logged on to our internet on her laptop and hers is doing the same thing. My motherboard crashed 2 days ago and they replaced it. What is going on and will this "virus" most likely crash my computer again?

How green is your computer?

Isnt it made of plastics? You can conserve energy if you shut it down, or, dont drive to the store to buy one. I guess Im really asking.......How sincerely "green" are you?

How do i start my own realestate investment company llc?

Your question is to vague. Are you looking for others to invest in real estate through you? Or looking at forming a shell company to hold your real estate investments?

Help with some HOMEWORK!?!?

Yes, you are correct. Here is why There are 28 students in the the teachers homeroom. Since 25% are boys you must move the decimal over 2 spaces to find out the number of boys. .25*8=7. So 7 boys are in her cl. A way you can check is subtract 7 from 25 (28-7). Then divide 21 by 28. 21/28 which comes out to 75% and 75% plus 25% is 100% of the cl.

What are the requirements to become a wildlife state trooper or a wildlife officer?

Go to and put in Wildlife conservation officer. All requirements are different state to state

How much magnification should I get?

My son wants a microscope powerful enough so he can see germs but what magnification will it need to be to let him see germs ?

Is it true that only educated, intelligent and liberated people are all Atheists or non believers, or fiction?

"That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a Superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God" - Albert Einstein.

Pentagon in a Circle?

You are given a circle with the known midpoint. Draw a regular pentagon inside the circle using ONLY a straight edge. You are NOT allowed to use a comp. This should be possible as a result of the Poncelet-Steiner theorem correct? Thank you.

Do you agree with NFL defensic e rookie of the yyear willis?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why would a little knowledge of Meiosis have been important for King Henry VIII wives?

because he beheaded them thinking they were the reason he had no sons but if he knew about meiosis he would know that the male is the one that determines the gender. it was his fault.

Which candidate do you think has been badly hurt by his party’s nominating fight?

Obama...he is going to lose a lot of Hillary supporters, and McCain is going to get them. I don't see how that hurts McCain.

Microsoft Word---Why does the font style keep changing for no reason?

I only use one font and this has never happened before. I may change something else in the font, like word underlining, but never the font style. Sometimes the font size changes too for no reason. I have to keep putting in the right font style. This just started happening and it happens frequently now.

Please help me with these 3 sentences.. i'll give u a best asnwer for 10 points!?

ok we have to underline each word that should be captalized because it is a proper adjective. 1. This hershey chocolate comes from the world's largest chocolate factory. 2.Candy was the first made by ancient egyptian and indian people. 3. Mr. Taylor sells branch's candy and schwan's ice cream.

Master cleanse diet questions?

try it. post the results. i do know some things about it. two surgeons that i know said never to use any colon flush unless specifically directed by a doctor. my fitness center owner/trainer considers them unhealthy, and basically useless for weight loss. your colon is self cleaning. if you eat and hydrate properly, your colon works very well. it has absolutely no effect on long term weight loss. this is accomplished by calorie reduction, and exercise. as i said, try it. i,ve never, never seen a positive post about this product.

I need to know what the strongest metal/alloy is?

sounds really stupid, but i am making a battle suit.. so i need to know what the strongest metal/alloy would be for piercing and crushing.

Where can I find a solid purple comforter?

I have searched so many places, and nobody seems to have just a plain purple comforter. I kind of want it to be silk, but it doesn't have to be. Any suggestions?

How can I send songs via bluetooth on my huawei ascend?

I need to know how I can send my music to other phones via bluetooth. I need very detailed instructions. Thank you in advance

How do I look my age?

wabby first off your really pretty, and i think you look 17...but you know its better to look young that to look old, you face will adjust me as you reach 30, you'll be asking how can i look younger

Monday, August 15, 2011

Did this mean anything? *Short Question*?

Well since he hasn't seen you since spring, I think he just wanted to say hi and talk with you a little, especially since you guys didn't get to hang out, but didn't get a chance to say hi to you. He might've been a little shy too...or busy with his friends and didn't want them to tease him about you. Smile and wave to him...that doesn't have to mean anything but it should be enough for him to say hi to you. Good luck!

LGBT: What are some of the dumbest band names you've ever seen of late?

The Stereos. If they played metal I wouldn't mind their name as much. It's their music that I hate, and as such I hate their band name.

Could someone give me the before story of Final Fanstasy Advent Children? what happened before the story?

I get the movie but i know there is a chapter before this. there is something missing. could you fill me in?? thanks!

How awesome would it be if Prop 8 eventually ends gay marriage bands nationwide?

I think it would great for same- marriages to p. Although, next, you will get people saying that it is unfair for them not to marry their animals... It's a rocky slope, but I'm all for same- marriages.

Should McCain pick Romney to help win Nevada, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, and be strong on the economy?

The general theory is that if it's Hillary is the DNC cand then McCain should seek C Rice for VP to draw some female support away from Hillary. If it's Obama then McCain should seek Romney. C Rice will not draw black support away from Obama.

Wrestlemania 25 match card?

All of your matches and predictions are good but i reckon the boogeyman should be ECW champion and the Undertaker should win a title like the WWE or the world heavyweight championship.

Is this a good idea???

Ok, hi,. Um, I'm 12 going into 6th grade and I desperately need a cup/regular/padded/whatever u call it bra. I asked how to ask my mom kinda a lot of times just 2 find the rite answer 4 my problem and Im pretty sure I found it. I'm going 2 walk past the bra section when me and my mom r alone and really don't have 2 b in a hurry, and walk into there and say "I need sum of these. How bout this 1?" while holdin a cup(orwatevr u call it) bra. Do u think it's a good idea? It won't b my first bra, I currently wear training bras and lately I feel more exposed and like its not enough. Dou have any ways 2 make it bttr cuz I rlly need it, not just want it. When I measured myself at home and got a big A, small b. And if you're wondering how my mom hasnt notice it probaly cuz I wear really baggy shirts so no 1 makes fun of me. And i have really cute, not really tight but tighter shirts that I want 2 wear. And if I wear tight shorts 2 show her, she won't say anythin cuz I have 4 bros who r always round her and they'll make fun of me. I have sport bras but theyre a small and I'm a large, I mean I guess I could sports bras but don't they make your look really small and then ppl would make fun of me 4 havin small s when I don't. So basically all I want 2 no is if my plan is a good idea. And if u have any suggestions plz feel free to add. I can't tell u the rest of the details cuz I have 2 go. And thx so much!!!!

Should i wait for him??Confused??

he text me 2 days ago telling me he likes me but i didnt reply him. He text me again asking why i didnt reply but i didnt answer him back . i reply all his text accept for this one. I am shock because this relationship is fairly new. We have been texing each other for a few days . he text me everyday but yesterday he didnt. i text a "morning greeting " to him today but i didnt get a reply?? We both are shy. i have never had a relationship before, Pls help? What are the possible reasons why he didnt reply me?

How much are enema's? is there a special place to get them?

i just lost 12 pounds and i want to lose some more but i want to have a clean inside :P do u know how much they would be? or if my Dr. can do it ? bec i have health insurance that pays for everything... would an enema count ?

Are Java coders and users in denial, or am I just crazy?

I write natively in Java and Applications ive written are very efficient in loading, not sure whats going wrong for you. Lucks!

Family Issues, any advice?

im sorry the family who are family treat you badly. but that didnt hold you back. you went on with life. you have a husband and his family loves you. so you started your own family.and its a good life. as far as your mom call when the step dad is gone. so you dont have to listen to him acting out. sounds like he is controlling . and abusive to your mom. as well as you. you cant help her unless she wants help. so enjoy the life you have. send them a christmas card once a year. if they answer great if not. you did the best you could.

What do you think of my poem?

You do realize anyone can copy this and claim that they wrote it and you won't have any legal right to it anymore if they copyright it before you do, don't you? You should NEVER publish uncopyrighted work in a public forum

I want to study in Brit college. I do not know it is Blacklisted. It is needed for myself.?

I go out on limb. I think you not college material. Not blacklisted, just not qualified. Not here, not in Brit.

Trig homework help please?

a pendulum swings through an angle of 9 degrees each second. if the pendulum is 14cm in length and the complete swing from right to left lasts 4 seconds, what area is covered by each complete swing?

How many different kinds of gametes can be produced by an organism of genotype AaBBCcDdeeFfGg?

how is the answer 32. can some one explain it to me please. is there a easy equation to figure this out on the exam. thanks in advance

Ladies if there was a Viagra for women ?

Would you take it ? Guys would you want your wife to take it ? Or do you think the world has all the promiscuous woman it can handle? And giving woman Viagra would be like opening Pandora's box.

How can i play Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine on Windows XP?

everytime i load it up, its just goes to a screen of whats above indy, and i can move, but i cant see, Any ideas?

Wouldn't it be better for MLB if the Astros moved to the A.L West?

I like the thought that you've put into this. I'd like to see it tried at least to find out if it could be viable. No matter whether or not there would have to be constant interleague games.

Does anyone have the recipe for the Martha Stewart metal igloo cake mold? I have the metal cake mold.?

Thank you for the other recipe, but there is another one out there that is especially for the metal igloo cake mold that I already own. I see that she is now selling the silcone mold, but I have had this one for several years. Please help!!

To Kill A Mocking Bird Question.?

That Miss Gates is one of those people who believe in giving people opportunity and not being judgemental at appearance.

How do YOU eat your Mi Goreng?

I have heard it is a mistake that palm oil is bad for you. But I have never had that, and it sounds very interesting. I wish we could get it here.

What is the function of mitosis? In what type of cells is mitosis observed?

Mitosis creates genetically identical copies of a cell. Therefore it is essential for growth and development as well as repair. All cells- all SOMATIC cells- undergo mitosis, only germ cells (egg and sperm) are produced by meiosis.

Pacifiers for my newborn?

My baby is 6 weeks old. She loves her pacifier from the hospital i'm sure the majority of babies have the same one (soothie) its blue. Anyway, I bought different ones at walmart a completely different brand and she will NOT take them they fall out of her mouth as if she cannot latch on to it. What should i do? will she eventually like other ones? I did buy soothes at walmart after she denied the regular pacifiers and they only sold 3 months+ and they are still too hard i think for her to latch on. any suggestions? When is a good time to take her off the pacifiers and how?

IHow do I handle a mom who lies to hurt and manipulate others?

Why are you still in contact with her??????? I would further myself from her fast. My husband's mother did the same thing all of his life and he always protected her and stood beside her no matter what she did. Even the physical abuse, 4 years ago she told the entire family (my side also) that he was a wacked out drug abuser and deserved to die alone. He hasn't spoken to her since. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses, it maybe the best for your children.

What will happen in the 2012 elections?

obama wil lose the election and will get mad because black guys don't get sad they just get more mad so he will nuke america killing everyone. -.-

The New Covenant?

In what specific pages does Jesus tell us we can stop following the rules in Leviticus? Please tell me. This is a serious serious question.

I need to choose a skateboard?

k, i'm a new a skater. I can ollie pretty high for a begginer, but i still can't do it while moving, because of the following (i think). The board was a hand-me-down from one of my friends, a birdhouse. That's just the deck. One of his friends gifted me the trucks (fake) and the wheels (rubber) and berrings. they where missing two screws and my friend, being a dumb ****, while putting the board together, threw a piece away. it worked fine for a while, but now it's loose, and when ever i gain speed, it swerves, when ever i try to balance, it tips over so, i need a new board. so my friend recommended a toy machine, but, i'm not sure. Any recomendation? for the wheels too?

Beach body woes?

I'm about the same size as you, just a little taller. My biggest thing is I hate my cellulite. But yesterday I was at my friends house swimming and I realized we were all self-conscious about something when we were in our bathing suits, even the boys. You are your biggest critic. No one is going to pay attention to your flaws the way you will. Just try to act confident, even if you aren't. Have fun in Cancun!


maybe your doctor can't do anything about it, but the natural care doctors can, and how do you know you are not pretty. do you think some of those stars we look at on tv is pretty?there is nothing that a nice hair-do and some good make up can't do.

What is the chromosome number in daughter cells formed by meiosis from diploid parent cells?

In humans, this number is 23. Diploid human cells have 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs. Mitosis creates more diploid cells, but meiosis creates haploid cells. Haploid human cells have only 23 chromosomes, one from each of the pairs that the mother cell had.

Please help...sat on dookie?

I just sat down on the toilet without looking and I felt something different, got back up, and there was dookie on the toilet seat...and me! Ewww what do I do? How do I not get germs on my hands. I'm in a public bathroom and I am online on my phone and I have dookie all over me with nothing to clean it off with. Toilet paper ran out. EWWW please give suggestions, it stinks!

I have a question is forbidden to use music download programs like lime wire or ares in the state of New York?

I have a question is forbidden to use music download programs like lime wire or ares in the state of New York thank you

Can 2 12s get as loud as 2 15s?

i wanna put my system together i got a jbl gto 1201.1II and im looking at getting two re se 12s. do you think they could be as loud as two 15s from a lower quality brand with about 800 watts total rms on the 15s?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

~-. No me funciona el Ares, es decir que no se conecta y no puedo bajar canciones. �como hago para conectarlo?

arriba en donde estan todas las opciones de internet biblitoteca y eso vete hasta la derecha donde dice panel de control y una ves ahi te fijas en la barra de tareas donde dice internet y justamente abajo hay un boton que dice conectar con una flechita le das click y listo a descargar canciones

How do I boost my self confidence?

I'm 30 years old and divorced and just had my girlfriend leave me because she said we didn't have enough in common. She said I was an island boy and she was a city girl. Maybe true but maybe she was just being nice. I feel reluctant to talk to girls because I'm afraid I have nothing to talk about and nothing in common with them. I like to surf, skateboard, swim, run, hike, workout. But not much of an intellect. Do I have low self esteem? Have I just not found the right girl? Do guys and girls have to have things in common to be in love? I thought guys were guys and girls were girls. They arent the same right? They are interested in differnt things right?

Vote for my friends entree for the Roxy Bikini Contest! She needs the $1000! PLEASE.?

World of warcraft leveling?

i have a lvl 15 belf rogue iwant to know were i can go to level my charecter i know i could go to the ghostlands but i dont like the quest there is there any other place that i could go that gives me good quest and were i can level easily thanks for the help!

What do (a) granite underlines the edges of continents and (b) basalt underlies deep-ocean basins suggest? ?

There is granite underneath the continent, and basalt beneath oceans. These two are different in color and texture and it suggests that since continents float above the deep ocean basins, that granite is also less dense than basalt.

I ask a native speaker of English. is using "a" and "an" not confusing you?

I'm not a native speaker of english and I'm being confused by using "a" and "an" differently by if a noun is begining of vowels

Whats the difference between...?

Whats the difference between a Saharan cheetah and a normal cheetah? they seem exactly the same to me, i looked at pictures but i don't see any difference.

So today Hugo Chavez want to expropropriate Colombian companies in Venezuela. What will he do with them?

He will run them in the ground and then blame Bush and Uribe because he failed...Chavez is too stupid to be a leader of anything but maybe a trash pick up detail...

I'm into the "gothic" look but my mother is against it.?

Well,im 13(African-American) girl and im into lot of things my mom finds odd.I enjoy reading Edgar Allan Poe and Anne Rice.I listen to old-styled bands such as the Cure,Sisters of Mercy and Siouxsie and the Banshees.I be myself all the time and I'm already more outed in my family for liking these kinds of things and for being the only athiest I'm happy the way I am(and I get really good graades) and I get depressed when they try to change me into more of "black" person.What should I do?

Levantine Arabic VS Egyptian Arabic?

egyptians usually understand MOST arabic dialects since their form of arabic is the most simple and is the easiest but im not sure about levantine since ive never heard of it. it wont hurt to know it, but standard arabic would be best.

Can I make my high schools softball team?

Hi, Ive been playing softball for 6 years on my local rec team. My parents would never let me go on a travel team cause they didnt have time to take me places. I think im pretty good but I have a feeling the girls on the travel teams are better and will be trying out too. I guess i'm not very good at trying out for things cause I already tried out for cheer, basketball, and the flag team and I didnt make any. My school is one of the best at athletics and win almost all conferences (just to show that people are very good at sports at my school). Do you think i have what it takes and what should I do to improve myself?

How can I change my style?

The style in the picture is very girly, I'd suggest checking out juicy couture since they have alot of that type of clothes. For insperation, the picture reminds me of Taylor Swift's style! you can see some of the things she wears to get ideas!

When do the "Terrible Twos" actually start?

My son is 13 months and recently began throwing terrible tantrums when he doesn't get his way. He throws food, grabs our faces, tells us "no no no!" and screeches. We remove him from the situation and ignore the tantrum so as not to reinforce the behavior. We then pay attention to him after he calms down. Is this the right way to handle it?

Girl in an open relationship seeking me out?

Over a period of a few months I have had a crush on this girl I work with. When I first met her she was moving out of her boyfriends apartment for more personal space. She also told me she told him in her sleep he had a small . She then later told me that she was in an open relationship and asked what I would do? i was so thrown off i made a stupid comment. then she said she was kidding. She also later told me they had a deal but no but she would be ok with him having . When I have been drinking with her she flirts with me right in front of her boyfriend and he does nothing to stop it. We have danced Intimately and most recently I have seen her ies(YEAH!)...but we were drinking! I have had the opportunity to kiss her but we were drunk and honestly i was scared. This has been happening for a couple months now. Her boyfriend just left for Japan this weekend for 4 months. He is a very nice guy and is never mean except when i went to his going away party. he made some seriously absurd comments. But I took it because I had it coming. And the following monday after he left his girlfriend asks me if i would ingest some fungi with her sometime. I know she has only ever done that with her boyfriend. I said yes. All I do is avoid and act cool around her which is starting to seriously eat at me. I wanna tell her that I want her BUT she brings up her boyfriend at times which is strange. I think that this BOYfriend is just security to her but Im at a loss. If anyone would have suggestions or comments please give them. How do I pursue this girl with out seriously ******* up my work and social status? What should I say and do to know for certain she is interested? I just don't have the to find out i was wrong the hard way....okay I just read what I wrote and It wold seem obvious that she wants me but remember she is a girl and girls are ******* crazy! What should I do with out being to forward?

My Chemical romance concert?

I want to go to a MCR concert at the end of may in Bakersfield i will be 14 by the time the concert happens, but how do i find out if there is going to be an age limit like 16 or older and how much would a place by the stage like in front or at least the first row in the seating area cost? PLEASE HELP

If Oysters be the food of love. eat on (apologies to Shakespeare)?

There is a fact! The hormones your body increases in when eating oyster and other aphrodisac foods increases your libido! I really recommend checking out the cook book FOOD! Oh my gosh besides being a great cook book it has tons of interesting information of and food. I REALLY REALLY recommend it!

Question for vegans about wearing leather?

What are your opinions on wearing leather, specifically things you have purchased before you became vegan? I have always worn very little leather, and no fur, but I have a pair of Ugg boots which are real leather and I think maybe sheep fur? They were a gift a few years ago and I know they cost my mum a lot of money. I feel guilty wearing them, but at the same time, I think I'd feel worse if I knew that an animal was killed for them and they weren't being used anymore. I certainly would not buy more animal clothing products now, but what do you think about this? Am I a terrible vegan if I keep wearing them? We have super cold winters!

How i can get journal of chemical engineeing by air mail freely.?

Sorry, these journals are not freely available. They are available by paid subscription only, and the subscription fees are generally quite high. Speak to the librarian at the university and indicate your desire for these journals. If there is enough desire, the library should subscribe and make the journals available for loan to the students.

My husband cancelled Valentine's day!?

Grow up a little, both of you. It's just a "Hallmark Holiday". Sad that something with such a sweet intent can turn into such a problem.

I own a blackjack I and my phone will no longer recieve pictures through textmessage. Help?

It says it could not download and I need to check my user settings. I don't know what that means because in my user settings there's nothing (that I've found) pertaining to pictures.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Help with my makeup routine?

my fav makeup is dinair airbrush makeup ! it covers everything, stays on all day, makes my skin look flawless, never gets cakey, looks natural, and its also all water based so its not bad for my skin cause it just sits on the surface and doesnt clog my pores...ive been using their makeup for almost 4 years now i LOVE it!

Who is going to watch or watched the Paul Rudd/Beyonce episode of SNL?

On the Pacific Coast, starts at 11:30 pm can't wait, even though it is a repeat, I haven't seen it yet, but I seen the skecth of Single Ladies with Beyonce and how they parody of it with the dancers are male instead of female, so hilarious...

My question is for only delhi university students?

i am student of regular college,B.A(prog)2nd year.i got compartment in one subject of B.A(prog)1st year.due to some family problems i cannot concentrate on studies.i want to reappear in B.A(prog)2nd year from correspondence college of delhi university. plz help me

Dodge challenger is great?

The next time you race a Mustang, let the driver know that you are racing him. The Challenger is a nice looking car, but it is the worst of the three in performance, mileage and quality. I have learned over the years that Dodge owner will brag a car up, even when everyone else knows it isn't all that.

I just joined a gym to get started in mma and ufc and I want to know what cles to take?

The gym offers muay thai jiu jitsu and boxing and kickboxing. Which of these cles should I start with tolearn about mma and ufc?

How popular are the Titans, Predators, and Grizzlies in Tennessee?

Yeah, we definitely have that "small town" love going on lol. Most ppl that live in Nashvillle are pretty big Titans fans. Nashville is definitely a football 1st town. The Grizzilies are kinda popular too, but not nearly as much as the Titans. Ive seen a few diehard Vandy fans too, but the Vols still have a big majority of the fan base in Tennessee. The Vandy fans are mostly around Nashville and nearby cities, but you can find Vols fans in probably every city in the state

Should California vote Arnold Schwarzenegger out of office?

He is defying Proposition 8 urging that same- weddings continue, perverting his state. Does he want to incur more earthquakes?


wow. 1st thing 1st, when u guys do it make sure that u practice safe - protection and all. trust me if u love the person ur doing it with, the next times should be fun and would really blow ur mind! it feels awkward at the beginning but u guys will get used to it. just make sure that if ur gonna try something or somewhere outside the 4 corners of ur bedroom just make sure that it's safe. ok? for tips on how to turn on a guy, u can read cosmopolitan magazines, they're very helpful in learning about our man's anatomy :) but experience will still teach u the best ways on how to please ur man. u'll learn it in time. promise :) just keep safe and enjoy!

Grammatical question - Are ran? or Are run?

You are correct. Ran,the past tense of the verb "to run", run is not used in combination with another verb. It is used alone to describe the action. Run, when used as the past tense, can be used with a form of the verb "to be". Therefore your sentence should read, "The way the governments are run . . .".

Is it improper to use an envelope that it obviously too large for the card?

I am sending thank you notes, and I tend to be a little on the creative side, using scrapbooking material to create the cards. but all the envelopes I have are much too large for the card. Will that be okay?

Am I being a sterotype? Was I to mean to the girl?

Your friend is right. What you said was thoughtless. Thought - less. Meaning you did not think. Get to know lots of people and don't hate anybody because of what they look like. You wouldn't want people to say "I don't like Puerto Ricans and I don't talk to them" It would be very insulting. I'm just glad you have a good enough friend to be hoinest with you. Now don't make the same mistake again. As for the other girl if you see her again just give a simple "I was thoughless" apology and DO NOT try to defend what you said. it was wrong. PERIOD.

Im financially stable and want to help animals that need care and time and round the clock istance?

my father just hit retirement and moved to czech republic, hes well off and always had a pion to take care of animals in need, my mother died and hes alone and i think this is exactly what he needs to help him feel better about himself, what site do i need to go to especially in europe for animals that need financial and a personal care istance?

Do you sometimes feel that most people directly around you are so much happier?

Problably people around you are happier but you can't compare yourself to others like that. If you question your happiness, look deep inside you & pin point the items that are preventing you from finding true happiness. True happiness comes from deep inside our souls. Good luck.

How do you think the Packers will do today?

Packers defense is playing A LOT better and both teams have great offense. But Packers D will slow down Matt, not by much but enough to edge them. Their D will mess with him mentally, they will switch from blitzes and coverage so he will have to read it. Not to mention the packers might have an edge on offense because they have all great receivers and tight ends. Plus the Falcons might not be expecting a run game so when they realize that Starks is there they'll focus on him and the Packers will switch up the run game and p game so they'll have 2 offensive attacks on their D so they will not be able to hold them. Packers 31 Falcons 21

I have recently been given temporary custody of my granddaughter by Child Protective Services?

after she went to the school nurse to show bruises she had after her mother grabbed her by the upper arms and throat the night before. My son now wants to file for custody of her, but neither he nor my husband and I have the money for an attorney. CPS is currently investigating the incident and it could take as long as 60 days, so for now she's safe with us. Does anyone know if we have to obtain a lawyer for this, or can we just go before a judge under the cirstances and gain custody?

Rate the films that I purchased today?

All of the 'Alien' choices, but especially the original Ridley Scott film, get four stars out of five--just for being brilliant explorations of the horror of the Lacanian Real, the irreducible kernel of materiality that subjectivation/ideation cannot be rid of. The other two are nice for kids.

Why is Reggie Bush considered a Draft Bust?

Most people say that because he has never had consecutive great games. Sure he may get a clutch touchdown one game, but then fall short the next game. He was supposed to be an everyday back like Chris Johnson, but he has developed to be more like a gadget player; used occasionally and sometimes dynamite. In short, he'll never make it as an everyday starting running back in the NFL, that's why he's considered a bust.

Wither pad help pleasee?

well no, a sheep skin keeps the saddle in place, a wither pad is usually about one to two inches thick made of foam., but doesn always need to be used when jumping on ly on horses with high withers, without the pad high withered horses' saddle would rub their withers raw. I jump all the time without using a with pad but instead i use a shamy(what it sounds like your stable uses) i hvae a tb but putting a wither pad on him just puts the saddle to far where i dont feel "in contact" with his body when i jump

Is it worth buying this phone?

I am thinking about buying a unlocked Samsung Blackjack from Tigerdirect for $199.99. My question is since this is an unlocked phone, can I use the data features on it. I know that Cingular offers this phone but I am with T-mobile, are there going to be any problems?

Grade my fantasy team please 12 team league?

Not bad, but not great. Drop 1 of your kickers, there is no reason to have 2. When the buy week comes for one, drop and pickup a new one. Drop Heap, Raven's p game is poor enough and Heap has been nothing but disappointing for years (just look at last year's numbers). Even consider dropping one of your defenses. With all these open spots, pick up RBs that split carries (in case the starter gets injured). Also, try to grab some sleeper picks because there is lots of potential (See WRs for Giants, Saints, and Vikings)

If a woman has flat as a normal man,will it hurt her if she being hit in the ?

I used to be very flat and I'd get hit there by accident during sports & stuff and it wouldnt hurt me. Now my chest has gotten bigger within the past month or so and it hurts when i get hit there by accident, so i guess size does matter.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Is it love or just infatuation?

When you love someone and you break up with a woman you're with, and you search for someone more ier, but at the same time you still have feelings for the one you broke up with because of what you had. Men and women see things differently when it comes to and love, being desperate and wanting the impossible. I notice guys sometimes date a woman that's not drop dead gorgeous, but they say they're in love. I can respect that. Sometimes guys have with any woman pretty or ugly, and say they have no standards. Just want . However, , I'm choosy, Love, I'm choosy. I'm in love right now, we broke up, heartbroken. There's a girl who's ier than the one that broke up with me, and we're good friends. I still love her, I don't know if I could fall in love with the new girl just because she's sexier. She has a good personality too though. Infatuated with new girl and heartbroken over old girl? What do you think?

Is this kind of poetry good enough to win a prize in a big poetry competition, and how can I make it better?

The sentiment is pionate and personal. The language offers nothing new or unforgettable.What would be special to your sweetheart would be the fact that it came from you.

Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson for PRIME MINISTER?

VOTE now if you think it would be for the better, here is a link with over 31,000 signatures!!!!a href="" rel="nofollow"

Has Howard Stern endorsed either of the presidential candidates?

Back in 2004, Howard was extremely anti-George W. Bush because of all the crap with the FCC. So he endorsed John Kerry. But before 2004, Howard tended to lean toward the republicans. Has he shown any preference this year?

I need some serious input...I want move out of me and my husbands home.?

I am not sure if I want a divorce. Because I do love my husband, but I do not like him. I got married after three weeks, been married 4 years. My husband was in the military and the whole marriage he was gone. We had a lil gurl before he went to Kuwait for a year. I guess you could say i never really knew him. We are so different we feel like we do not like each other. We use to physically fight before our daughter was born. We both have issues I do not know what it could be,. I feel like he bitches all the time and I am never good enough. He got out we moved away and im NOT bringing in 1000 a month. So he is pissed. He is going to school. I am debt...and I think he bitches all the time. We NEVER GO OUT ever. not even for a drink, a dance. If we do go out he gets all pissed and rushes me. He is just lame, and I am not even being mean. I mean major attitude problem I just want him to be my best friend and he isnt. I have been a good mom and wife. I dont have money but i take care of my family. What is wrong with him? He yells and slams stuff all the time. Has no patience. I tell him I am leaving and says good I need to figure it out because he has been paying for me since we got married. Can u believe this? I live in NY...I found a house for 400 a month! It will be available in November. It not that great but it s place where me and child can live in calm normal environment and i can enjoy my life again...Im 25...married 4 horrible years. Any advice? Should i move? everyone will be upset

Does the remote wire on an amp effect the gain at all for the subs? please help!?

i recently hooked up my remote wire for the amp to a different wire behind the HU, and now when i turn the subs up ped very low,the amp goes into protect mode. before i switched wires everything worked perfectly. does this wire have an effect? should i re set my gain? please help 10 points to most helpful. thanks

Sirius sportster 5 static through auxiliary?

Just got a sportster 5 and after being connected through auxiliary for about 5min it starts to static and has a high pitch squealing sound that gets higher and higher as my rpms go up (my car is manual). The sportster is getting power through the cigarette lighter and my ipod sounds fine through the auxiliary. Could the problem be caused by power fluctuations through the cigarette lighter? How do I fix it?

How can I determine the frequency of an audio signal in a circuit?

What you need is a phase locked loop. This will give a square wave of the same frequency as the fundamental. Then feed this square wave to a port on the microprocessor, and use the on board TPU to measure the frequency. (The Atmega 128, among others, has a TPU). The LM565 is a good phase locked loop for the purpose (costs around $2 from Digi-Key).

Is Intelligent Design leading American kids further down a road of failure in the scientific world job market?

Track P is right, but you do have a point, and your argument is both educated and well-reasoned. While the theory of evolution cannot be considered a "fact", it is indisputable that it does a better job of explaining a basic foundation for biological sciences than any other hypothesis available, including Intelligent Design. Teaching ID serves no useful scientific purpose - only a political and theological one and neither of these agendas make better doctors or biochemists.


Write code to sum response for each flavor,rank responses by number of votes tabulated and compare them.

How to approach her?

Just go up to her and be like "Hey, I'm " Just be all casual and play it cool-ish [though its ok to be a dork, thats adorable].

Help with a name for a trio of Movie makers? (all our names start with "J")?

two other friends and myself love to make little funny shorts and spoofs with each other. and we are trying to think of a name for our group, for "smosh" or balloon shop" style videos, please help, thanks.

Westbrook, Slaton, Pierre Thomas for week 16?

im in the title game pick 2 to play.....i know basically all will score well but pick the 2 that will do the best

Will i p my drug test?

i did one roxy 30mg everyday for 5 days in a row. the last time i did it was friday and i have a drug test for a job either tuesday or wednesday. should i p?

Should we make alcohol illegal, so we can win the war on drugs?

Its already been tried. Research Prohibition. The problem was (just like with illegal drugs) that as it was illegal, then people like the mob just made it illegally and sold it kind of on the black market. I think it was basically determined that it could be more easily regulated if it was legal....that, and the fact that the government could tax it to make money.

Washington spending...on paper or undisclosed, which do you prefer?

I think adding the cost of the war to the budget was a big step in the right direction. I would much rather be able to see the costs of both in black and white.

Westboro baptist church - did you know?

You must have seen the doentary on the church and it's pastor. I am a Christian and I believe we can hate the sin, but we are commanded to love the sinner. This man is preaching hate. He will be judged in the same fashion as he has judged others...without mercy.

Austreelam( Next eelam)?

Some of us know who you are. Take your racist rubbish back to the cricket section. PEOPLE TAKE NOTE , this person uses multiple persona's to stir his racist pot. Argument construction, sentence construction, grammatical usage and the links to erroneous and dubious articles leaves filthy fingerprints.

How to reinforce watchdog behaviors?

You don't want them to bite because you will regret having them bite and be put to sleep, just praise her when she barks, she'll get the message

XFX Geforce GTS 250 overheating! Please help!?

i think the cooling of the gpu is bad or the power from the power is not enough.since the power supply has 65% efficiency it means that only 65% is convert into useful work remaining 35% is wasted as heat. in my opinion you have to change your power supply or connect an extra fan to carry away the heat produced.

What bonds hold ions together in their rigid lattice structure?

So, theres ionic bonds for ionic compounds such as NaCl, but in a grain of salt, for example, I don't understand why the lattice structure forms? What's attracting each NaCl molecule (what would I call this since it's not covalent?)?

How do I transfer my contacts on outlook to my microsoft enabled PDA phone?

I have a Samsung 760 that has the latest Windows Mobile. All my contacts are saved on my computer via Microsoft Outlook and I want to transfer them to my phone. How do I go about doing that? I have the sync cord.

Would anyone Please donate money to help my grandparents? Any amount will help! Thanks?

My grandparents are in need. They are living in a house that has mold problems they are trying to fix them when they can they have only 1 small heater to heat there house during the winter, and with all the mold problems they need a dehumidifier (which they can not afford). I would love for them to be able to fix their house up before the winter. They have been through so much. They had 3 children plus they raised me (their granddaughter). My grandma worked so hard to make sure I had everything I wanted when I was growing up. She deserves the world. I am 20 years old and raising my little boy who will be one soon and I am giving my grandma what I can. So I am asking that anyone please donate to help them .. They do not know I am doing this they dont like to accept money from other people... I will be giving they 100% of the money that is donated plus buy they things they really need (dehumidifier, food etc). If you would like my address to mail me your donation contact me. I also have paypal.

GPA, do I have hope (its not that bad but I need advice)?

OK im gona give this too everyone fast and simple to understand. My Gpa is about a 3.0 - 3.2. I am in 10th grade, I want to go to Kings Point (united states merchant marine). I plan on doing very well on sat ( sorry for bragging but ive got nearly 100% on all the pre tests and I get about 95% to 100% in all my midterms and finals, im a great test taker) My trouble is in marking period grades. Do i have any options, how much can one year take me up? What colleges can i get into. Thanks Bern

How much can a tree support?

I'm looking at hanging a cargo net from a tree, in a canopy form. uming the trees are grown fairly well (at least a foot in diameter) and there are three of them or more (formed in a triangle, square, or pentagon, depending on how many there are), how many people do you think it could support on a canopy?

Simple chemistry question?

Polarity. Hexane is non-polar, water is polar. Like mixes with like so methanol (which is polar) mixes with water but not with hexane (in the two layers, the least dense one is on top).

Ok, so there is this girl i really like, but im really unsure if she feels the same way, and what i should do?

ok, well since she broke up with her bf, a mnths ago, a few wks after this, she strtd being really friendly to me, a lot friendlier than usual, we wd get along ok in clss, its at coll, she wud com up to me and hlp me with my wrk a lot and ask me rndom things to start talks, shed tease me and wud hav a laugh. Anyway the nxt wk she caught me in a corridor and asked if i wantd to go on a day out thing to this conference centre (subject related) with her and her dad i said id luk into it, but nver gave her a proper reply all week, (i was jst unsure), the day before she wnt, she asked me to go with her and find a mmbr of stff, i tried to bring it up then but never said i wantd to go, so i didnt go. The nxt wk she said i should of gone with her. She was still being nice to me, helping each other, asking me to help her revise, but then a week later she tells me in cl shes hving boy trouble (not me i thnk), ths has cme to nthng, she alwys sits nxt 2 me and tuches me and teases me still-hlp

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Which signs would attach the most importance to these terms:?

you know that one makes me wonder considering I was born on a cusp which means end of one sign and start of another.

Something to sharpen a snowboard/skis?

I want to be able to use it on both. I've seen stones and metal things that are 90* angles. I really just want to get the little bits of light rust off at the beginning of each season. Which is the best one? I don't want to spend a lot (possibly under $15...I'm not sure how much these things cost though). Can the same thing be used on my skis and snowboard?

How can I help from feeling intimidated by others?

I know where you are comin from. It helps me to set goals for myself that I know others would have a hard time with. The more I accomplish, the less I feel this way. I can now rationalize to myself why I am at least as valuable as anybody else.

What do u think about Obama?

what do u think about obama should he win or not.would he be a good pres? some people think he is the antichrist. i just want to know wat other people think about him.

Burn photos and video together - how to ?

you can convert those pics to a series of pics or slideshow by using windows movie maker these pics will be displayed one after the another like a video playback after doing this you can burn this video along with other recorded videos to a video cd or dvd then they cn be played on both pc and dvd player..

Out of these two what would you choose?

I've been in the dep since august. I am waiting this long because I want to be a combat controller and that's just the waiting time for it. I'm still waiting and will continue to wait right until august if I have to. If you truly want something wait for it.

Which website is best for english grammer with exercise?

BBC Learning English - a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Cheetah Girls?

I heard disney channel is making a new movie of the cheetah girls. I'm wondering why Raven Simon isn't going to be in the 3rd movie. Do any of you guys know why?

Am I gonna regret my decision of dropping Willie Parker to the W and now picking up Cadillac Williams?

Parker has been unproductive all year (granted he had injuries) but I got mad and dropped him to the W and picked up Larell Betts or the Redskins but he's actually worse (even if Portis had not played he's still not productive enough) So was Picking up Williams a good move with all his histories of injuries?

Do you think yahoo would stop the chat spambots if everyone, for one day, refused to use yahoo chat?

Yahoo has continued to allow chatspam to propagate, despite their claims to combat spam. Spam was the main reason I abandoned Yahoo email. Because Yahoo simply couldn't prevent hundreds of spam messages from coming through. And now the same thing is unfortunately happening to Yahoo chat. I will soon grow so weary of chatbots spamming me with that I will stop using Yahoo chat unless they can do something about it.

Obama's choice or just a coincidence?

There is always a choice even if he met these people by chance. He chose to go to Reverend Wrights church for 20 years. He chose to help fund William Ayers educational plans, which was several hundred thousand dollars. He chose to take campaign funds from Tony Rezko , whose wife bought the lot next to Michelle and Baracks house so they could buy their house.

I have been to a website that had the Qu'ran translated three different ways into English, so could I conclude


Obama had a 71 CAR MOTORCADE in China. Obama told all of us to "tighten our belts". Is Obama being a hypocrite?

of course he is. he's a lying, criminal racist and a delusional, narcissistic marxist who thinks the constitution is fundamentally flawed and needs to be changed (even went on record w/ this crap) yet took an oath to support, uphold and defend it. he's a 2 faced thug who need to be impeached and deported.

Which signs ayze the most?

I am not sure if I yze is the right word, I investigate like there no tommorrow.The most dominant personality trait in my birth chart is my investigative personality. I investigate, probe, try to get to the bottom of everything. I love to secretly investigate people and figure them out. I am fanatical about researching things with an obsessive compulsive zeal. I usually am one excellent detective.

ECONOMIC MAJORS: please answer my simple question!!?

The answer should be C, since MPlabor/w < MPcapital/r. Which means Darnell should spend more on output.

How can I change moderators within a YahooGroup?

go to members page and select the member you want and click on the pencil to get the options you want :)

I really would love to hear what my chemical romance tattoos people have?

I don't have any yet but I want to get the phrase so long and good night on my sholder blade surronded by 5 stars...and merci pour le venin or thank you for the venom with a rose....btw...they both have a certain meaning to me

Synthesis of Paracetamol?

The reaction is a simple Sn1 reaction with the amine acting as the nucleophile into the acetic anhydride. You are forming an amide as your product.

Why did/do Ashkenazi Jews sprinkle Christian blood on their dinner tables? this Jewish professor say they did?

Dont worry rabbit ! They use palestinian muslims blood now ! And yes i heared the blood thing before . . .

Which graphics card would be better?

Well. I have been a Nvidia user for a while now, while my friend used ATI. After we built our computers however, he was forced to switch to Nvidia. ATI's drivers are very poor, and while they may offer a better performance, they tend to not be compatible with pretty much everything. Nvidia offers great cards with great drivers. I personally would recommend the GTX 260. Very good, and dependable card.

Can I get sued for saying something dosen't work?

It didn't work for me, is very good. Also "I don't think it will work for anyone" is ok. Anything you say is ok really as long as your honest about what you are saying. Anything you can put "I think" should pretty much clear you because there isn't anyone that in court can argue that they know what you think better then you.

What do you think of these girl names?? :)?

I think I answered another question about your names before and said I love them all because about 70% of these names are on my list too, including Annabeth, Juliet, Robin, Evelyn, Rosalie and Kate.

How can i stop my zebra finches from breeding?

i have 2 zebra finches a boy and a girl i dont want babies and dont want to separate them what else can i do? thanks.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why do libs use the excuse that b/c we trade with China and Saudi Arabia we should trade with Cuba?

Liberals tend to forget that China and Saudi Arabia didn't nationalize American property. Not that property rights were ever a concern for them.

What do you think of these boots?

They are ok i like the light colouring makes them appear more summery. But they are still too much liek Uggs which bore me!

Can Yankee fans really deny that they overpay overrated players now that they have resigned Derek Jeter to a?

I agree that derek jeter is a special case. however, being a yankee fan, i can say that some of our spendings pay off, and others dont. texeira, good move. burnett, not so much. but when weve got so much money, its worth the risk.

India's cricket tour helps Sri Lanka settle Rs 600 mn liabilities!! What do you think about this?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What does BG and Wicked Lips have in common? Perhaps a challenge? C/C/?

Oh, Neon! How did you guess? I try to be the vamp, but men laugh when I do. First time I tried out for the Follies, I was cast as Shirley Temple! I wanted to be Mae West, but...they laughed.

Does Islam/Quran carries a greater and deeper political message than Judaism/Torah ?

This is an academic question not a comparison for the sake of judgment, so I expect you to express your opinion like an educated person and not express your own affiliation with prejudice or w.r.t. current affairs. Please be objective. Thanks.

Ingesting Marijuana? What are the effects of "special brownies"?

Are the effects of ingesting marijuana through food really that different than the effects of smoking it? I hear the effects start later but last longer and can be more intense and sometimes scary. Anyone have any comments/ stories?

Can anyone help me identify these coins?

hello. that's 'not enough' for a good guess to be made, but with the statement of THREEPENCE I'd guess it's from Hong Kong. good luck.

How can I get turned down for law school student loans?

Last year I was awarded with student loans for law school, but two months ago I went over my credit limit (once) on one credit card, and then I went over my credit limit (once) on my other credit card. I cleared this up immediately, but it's still on my credit report. Could this get me turned down for student loans (both governement and private)? If so, is there anything I can do about this, other than get a co-signer?

Removing SEIZED bolts on a motor bike?

sorry wrong word on previous. XV535 front mudguard bolts, steel screwed into alloy forks, I have been soaking Them with WD40. My main concern is that when I remove the wheel to access them and start work I will either round the bolts or sheer them

Tropical fish tank help?

i bought a 40gal tank from petco and it came in a kit with the heater and penguin 200 bio-filter, i washed off about 60pounds of gravel and then put that in, followed by a piece of washed off drift wood, then i filled the tank with tap water and put 2 packets of the tetra-care stuff in to make it safe for the fish, 6 hours later i went to walmart and bought 2 fish , a bala shark and a clown loach to see if they could survive, being walmart fish and all, anf they died the next day, so i went out and got startright chemicals and ph balancing tablets and added the right amount, then today i added 2 new fish from my local fish store, my question is, why is my tank so clouldy? and why does it start to have a smell? i didnt over feed, and is it just the new tank and i have to wait? the new fish are a catfish and a redtailed shark

So sadies is tomorow and...?

i kinda sorta like the girl im going with. ppl say oh yeah you two should go out all the time...known her since preschool...what if i wanna make a move? i do but i dont...its concusing. please help

Did Booker T. Washington kill his wife/wives?

His second wife died from tuberculosis. His third wife died after he did. Don't know about the first one.

How do you style this kind of hair?

try straightening your bangs in just one section and when you are towards the end of the bangs you can swept them in towards your face. you may have to repeat this a couple of times to get them to stay. when you get them the way you want them to be, lightly spray hairspray on your fingers, and run your fingers over the bangs.

Would you do this trade?

Celek has started to disappear from the offense a little so id see if u could keep shockey, if not go to waivers and pickup moeaki(Chiefs TE), and u wouldd have to give up vick, but really u get the better end receiving two elite WRs. But Flacco's numbers have been pretty bad overall with those two horrible games in weeks 1 and 2, and celek has just disappeared from the offense with Vick. But Vick could open it up and if a defense ever does contain both jackson and maclin then celek will look for a huge day. Your only hurters on your team are your TE and QB if u make this deal as Ryan is good but not great, yet. Celek and Flacco are risky but u arent really giving up too much anyways. vick is not a guaranteed starter for the season. As quickly as they pulled the trigger on kolb, nothing would surprise me about that organization. final word: Do it

If you can answer this are a genious.?

Im not sure if its possible to figure out this you didnt list everything, try making a chart with all the different things on the top and all the nationalities on the side or something. Idk this is too hard.

Does my crush(who still has gf) likes me or just playing around?

I had this huge crush over this guy who is a customer in our cafe and is staying in the dormitory upstairs in our internet cafe. He was really nice and charming that i liked him but then i learned he already has a girlfriend. I didn't want to be second best nor called a boyfriend stealer so i tried not to be so close to him.But suddenly after a few weeks. He suddenly changed like talking to me anytime he gets a chance to.But he never asked my number.In the hall he smiles and says hi a lot, he even make comments that his day is complete because he saw me...(so flattering but i really really doubt it!) He even said i miss you once when i ped by him... But in jokingly way i know.. I tried not to fall for him coz i know i would end up hurt since he already has a girlfriend and i don't want him to dump her for me if ever he thinks about that...i don't want somebody to get hurt because of me..But why is he acting that way now? i had a feeling there's a connection with what happened recently when his friend,someone new i just met a week ago, asked for my number and showed some unwantic romantic interests, i refused to give in and not gave my number...And since then , my crush is acting so sweet and charming to me...why would he be doing that just bec. i don't want to return the feelings his friend have for me bec. i just met him and that he's not my type. What should i do so that my crush would give me a respect that a lady deserves bec. i am starting to felt being played around...Please help me what should i do?

The lib dems are calling for constitutional convention. Does that mean abolishing the monarchy?

They are socialist so yes they are going to do it. I hope this is a question in the next debate, I want to see him Lie.

There's a quote about dreamers just dream, they never try to accomplish their dreams...?

I think it was in a movie or a book, it was something about how dreamers, they never get up and accomplish their dreams. It was an old guy who said it, and he was like "thats the problem with dreamers. They never try to accomplish their dreams" or something along those lines. I thought it might have been from "Rudy" but I can't find it. Any ideas?

Are the records set by Wilt Chamberlin totaly irrelevant?

He was ahead of his time and everyone else couldnt guard him. If he played in todays game would he have gotten those 100 pts or his insane career avgs in the several different categorys of stats

Would you ATHEISTS, change your wicked ways, if a major Biblical Prophesy took place today ?

So being an atheist automatically makes me wicked? Thanks for letting me know. I have no idea what I am or what I'm doing until you christians let me know.

Who was your favorite wrestler when you first started watching wrestling + DCW thunderwave results promo?

Promo: Carma is a ***** Dark Demon. You should've just left me alone and I would've been on my way to the top of that ladder with a win in the MiTB match. But now I don't even care about that match now I demand a match with you. I want a Barbed Wire Barricade Match. If you got a Title I dare you to put it on the line. I wanna see if you have the to step up to the plate. The Barbed Wire Barricade Match is not very complicated. Basically everything is wrapped in Barbed Wire. The Ring Ropes all the weapons inside the ring are wrapped in Barbed Wire. Bats, 2 by 4's, Tables, Chairs Hell lets throw in a few Tacks. After I am done with you even you'll be wrapped in Barbed Wire and 6 ft in the GROUND!!!!!!

What do you think about Fashion in the East,West,South,Midwest?

So I'm from Minnesota which is the Midwest and I was reading in a magazine a few days ago about fashion and I couldn't believe how many disses there were about the Midwest and how slow the region was when it comes it fashion I was insulted because some guy in the magazine wrote how no one in the midwest has any Fashion sense. I don't know what part he's been in but I was recently at the Mall of america and I was just looking at people and there were so many people with so many different fashion tastes there everyone had their own thing going on. Then I was in Minneapolis and just looking at people walking around town on the weekend and I was just looking at their clothes and seeing how they dressed and to me eveyone had their own trendy style so here's my question. If people in the midwest are slow in fashion are we all suppose to look like people in L.A or people in NY should we all be looking at magazines and copying what Mary kate olsen or Lindsay Lohan is wearing if we did that wouldn't no one be original? I don't care to walk down the street in big *** chanel gles and handbags bigger than me, or those ugly long gown's that Nicole Richie is wearing. I don't care to brag about how much money I spent on a pair of jeans and a Boutique If I wore all of that wouldn't I be a clone? anyway I love Haute couture seriously If I had enough money I would wear it all day everyday.

Would I have any compatibility issues with this setup?

You seem to have chosen good specs, but If you want to use crysis on the max option or very high, it would be better to get HD 5870 or 295 gtx. But that graphic card is still a beast. On the whole, you will not have any issues. Good luck.

Where is holly in hollyoaks?

The last time I saw Holly was when she went missing, turned up in the flat then ran again, then nxt thing Cindy tells Tony that she isn't going to let what has happened to Holly ruin her life. So what happened is she dead ????????

Hip popped while running and could barley walk?

last week (thursday) in athletics i was running and my hip popped and i could barley walk... its right above my hip actually... its getting a little better everyday but it still hurts in certain ways i move. i need to know what happend so i don't work out and hurt it even worse. plus my football team is going for district champs and i really want to play in that district game! but i dont think i can... please help?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Conspiracy theroies?

First of all Zeitgeist and loose change are not credible sources. Secondly why don't you ask anyone of the hundreds of thousands of structural engineers and architects that have debunked the 9/11 myths. Yes a couple hundred are on the side of the twoofers, but their collegues have quickly debunked their claims.

How do I get the love of my life back? Please help me!?

Okay, so me and my ex boyfriend named dakota had been going out 3 moths. Well like 3 or 4 nights ago we got in this huge fight... Well in the beginning of the relationship he told me none of his friends really liked me but he didn't care because he loved me! Well the other day at school he told me he had very deep feelings for this other girl named Katie. And she is actually one of my friends. Like we aren't very close but we talk often. Well that night we were texting and he said that he really really liked Katie. And Than he liked her more than he liked me. And I said "well if you like her more than me go for her!" I just got so mad when he told me that. And I said well you need to choose because its me or her. And all he kept saying was "I can't choose" And i said "well it's either the one you supposedly love, or the one you like more than the one you supposedly love." And again he said "I can't choose" And all that day there were rumors going around that he was going to break up with me. And I said well if you're going to break up with me then just do it okay! And he was like I'm just so confused. And This girl had turned him down twice before. So I said, Well if you break up with me, ask Katie out and she says no, guess who's not gonna be here anymore, ME! And I was like Dakota I'm not going to be youre rebound! Well the next day at school he broke up with me in like 2nd block. I was crying and couldn't stop. And he tried to walk beside me and stuff. Ihave been like all depressed and stuff for like 2 days and this morning he texts me and he's like I asked katie out, and I said well what did she say and he was like she said no. Well i just bursted out laughing so hard because he lost a girl that loved him deeply, but any`hoo, I was like well idk why because any girl would be crazy to turn you down, and he was like whatever, and i said well she much have been well worth it for you to break the girl that loves you heart. And he was like she really is. And i was like whatever Dakota. Well a little bit later he called me and we talked on the phone for like 2 hours. Just about regular stuff. Well later that night he called me back and i was like do you still have feelings for me at all and he was like kinda and i was like oh. And then he said I never ment to hurt you. And i was like thats what they all say. lol, And then he was like why would you think you were gonna be my rebound and i said idk, and he was like i would never dot hat to you. And i was like oh. Well like 3 minutes i text him and im like what are you doing and he was like why we just got off the phone, and i said I'm justed not used to not saying i love you when we get off the phone with eachother, but i guess i will just have to get used to it. and he said well why dont you find a nother boyfriend and say it to him, and i said i dont want another boyfriend. i love you and it wouldnt be the same plus love doesnt happen in 5 minutes it takes time.And he said aw really and i was like yeah. Dakota, i really love you more than you or anyoe else could ever imagin. and then all he said was really. and that is where my story ends. lol PLEASE HELP ME ON THIS! PLEASE !!!!!!

Who do think is the bigger weirdo Matt Hughes or Matt Sierra?

For the record, I never liked Hughes. I really celebrated when GSP beat the crap outta him. With that said, I hate Serra. He can't stop yapping his mouth, talking crap. I can't stand him. I hope Hughes wipes the floor with him. And then it will be time for GSP to kick Hughes' *** again and get the belt back.

10 dollars Canada...what can I...xmas box...?

I have $10 CAD and my cl has xmas box and our price limit is $10 dollars(CAD) and I need ideas..any suggestions would be helpful thnx!! ps ppl have told me Moulsen but what is it??

Where can I buy a USA world cup away jersey?

I know there are quite a few places online, but they all seem to be out of stock. Are there any actual physical stores that sell them also? Like Academy, 's, Puma, etc? Thanks in advance!

So WHERE can I find one of these 'STRONG' Women I keep hearing about?

Behind the letters on the set of Wheel of Fortune. You spin the wheel and just keep landing on 'Bankrupt'. Maybe next time around...

Hawaii Party Song List ?

names of the playlist after party graduation or weeding and any occasions in hawaii. ex. electric dance, boom boom pow anything else ??? thanks

Help with a legal question about my part time job?

Ok here is the problem. I am a full time college student who is working part time at a fast food store to help pay some of the bills for school and otherwise. I started a year ago, and everything seemed to be fine. I had enough hours, managers who respected me and backed me up on my work performance. But then around late September they hired this new girl. She has been around our town, she has almost worked at every fast food store in our town, and can't seem to stick to one place. Ever since she has been hired, my job there has been absolute hell. I have been cut back to 9 hours a week(barely able to make a living off that!) and I found out why from one of my coworkers. She has been talking about my mother-in-law in a negative way. My mom in law is a manager at a store that requires a drug test. She went and applied at the store, and failed the drug test. She knows my mom in laws last name, and apparently its my fault she never got hired. So she has talked to the manager that writes the schedule, and claimed stuff about me that never has happened and as has asked her to give her the hours simply because she can shoo customers out of the store 5 minutes prior to closing( our owner does not condone us "shooing"), and to top it all off, she did something I consider more horrible. One of my friends needed money so they could pay school bills for their kids. So their 16 year old daughter decided to help. I recommended her at work and they were going to hire her. Too bad that girl saw her. As soon as the interview was over, she followed the hiring manager into the office, and claimed that I was not "mentally stable" enough to recommend a hire. Furthermore, she claimed this girl was ugly, and needed to be more "pretty" to work fast food. And according to 5 different sources, she has bragged that she made the hiring call. She also slanders our head manager. I really want to report her to the manager, but how do I get proof?

Have they taken the value out of the word 'maverick'?

i do think that the term maverick was used maybe five or six too many times by Sarah Palin in the last debate

Ugg boots. Love them or hate them?

UR SOOO RIGHT!!i agree with everything u said and i hate it when their feet are leaning to the side hahahaha of course i get what u mean!!and yeah theyre so expensive..some of them are more than 160....

Is Brett Favre the best QB of all time?

Too funny he be the man and if you ask him c'mon man can you do all of that ? his replay yep with my eyes closed. lol

Sagittarius-sagittarius relationship?

The dream you mention here is very interesting. It could either be a reflection of your fears that his detached behavior means he's pulling away from you, or it could be a vision and he really IS pulling away (sorry!). It's said that Sagittarians can be hard to get to know, and as loose as your relationship's been it's possible that you may not know him as well as you think. The best thing I can tell you is to enjoy the time you have together, and if it's not meant to be then at some point one of you will have to tactfully break it off. The good here is that if worse comes to worse, you two have a good chance at remaining friends afterwards.

How to be a good, well rounded person?

I'm not saying i'm a bad person, but I am not sociable with people I do not connect; meaning I don't even have acquaintances. Either I connect with you or I just don't. I also wait for people to talk to me because I'm too shy to be the first one to start a conversation. I do have manners and say Hi and all, but I just can't have a conversation! I want to be more of a well rounded person but I need help on how to be IT. I used to be a very sociable person, but I don't know what happen. I guess it's all the betrayals I had with people I considered "Friends" Thank you all, your answers will be appreciated!

Dollar collapse will bring jobs home?

The dollar collapse is just a continuation of the efforts of international bankers and big businesses conspiring to financially ruin the USA with the aid of the greedy politicians who are betraying the USA.

Does dirt 2 have demolition derby?

I know grid did and i was going to get one of these two games (grid or dirt 2) my favorite mode in grid was the demolition derby and i was wondering if dirt 2 has it. If it does i would get dirt 2 because its newer.

A question for Muslims: what do you think about Jesus Christ?

im just curious because i know that in the Kuran it talks about Jesus. doesnt it say he was a prophet also, but that mohammed was a prophet of Allah? ive talked to some Muslims who deny that Christ ever existed, but it says so in the Kuran. i would just like to know what followers of Islam believe about Jesus, and if they could tell me exactly what the Kuran says about Jesus? thank you.

How much should I pay for this computer?

Part by part, it's worth about $100, plus it's used. I'd say $90 is a good deal if it is exactly what you're looking for.

What do you people think of this Intro to my story?

the first part is annoyingly redundant. it seems like your thinking about what is going to be said next. you still need to work on your writing style and methods of telling a story that in gulfs you. this just annoyed me and i didn't read it all...

What if this was taking place on the news?

Miley Cyrus 200 feet tall in a bikini was attacking Las Vegas, and she was burping, farting, picking up people, and having people rub her giant feet.

Democrats and the Ground Zero Mosque?

Thinking about it, if they build a Mosque there they don't need to worry about terrorists attacking there anymore. In fact if the built Mosques near every tall building in America the war on terrorism is resolved and we can all go back to hating each other!

How do i dipute charges from my previous apartment after i moved out?

i got a call from collections stating i owed my prev aprtment 200 hundred dollars due to an ozone treatment they had to do in my kitchen from cooking with spices? so the air in the house smelled spicy?


ok my friend jess was live and this guy flipped when she kicked him so he got her ip in advanced cause he is one of those internet pervs. and he says he has her IP and dude, HE WANTS HER TO POST NUDES ALONG WITH HE PHONE NUMBER AND ADDRESS. and then she logged off and he was like letting it slide but dont ignore me again... she will not go to any authorities until we find out whats what. please help.

Do you like crocheted items?

Depends on the item. Afghans and blankets? Most definitely. Socks? Not so much. Crochet often produces a bulkier "fabric" than knitting, so I prefer my knitted sweaters because I live in Texas. But I think crochet dolls are way cuter than their knitted counterparts. It really just depends on the item.

Why was this movie rated PG? (please answer!)?

It is a movie from 1979. Jaws which came out in 1975 was also rated PG. Had these movies come out around now they probably would have been PG-13 and R

What are some awesome songs to play on piano?

So i have been playing piano for 10 years now and its going to be my last year before college and im really looking for some really good pieces. I dont want clical stuff but rather popular music. I have a U2 book and a Queen book. But im looking for music thats like: Say Anything, Saosin, Senses Fail, Brand New, My Chemical Romance, Finch, Benjy Davis Project. More punk type songs. I dont know if there are any songs by them that transfer over but i would really appreciate it if someone found those. Also i heard that Chop Suey by System of A Down had a piano version. i dont want generic sites i want the actual URL of the piece. Thank you so much!

How portion of a college's budget is consumed by athletics?

Say for example at a D3 college or larger D1 school. What percentage of the school budget is set aside for athletics? Is this informations publicly available?

Should I keep trying or let it go?

There's this girl who lives down the block from me. I'm infatuated with her. I knew one of my friends knew her well so I organized a get together. Hey came over my house and we had a great time. The next day she message me on myspace saying how we "live to close to not hang out". This is where I made my mistake. Instead of making a move I simply messages her that he could come by whenever. After that itried texting her a few times she replied once but after that no reply. I think shes hangin out wig another guy but I'm not sure. I texted her today asking her when were hangin out but no reply. What should I do?

'MS PowerPoint Viewer' can not be shrunk.?

It sounds like when the view opens it is opening in Slideshow View. If you double click on the screen it should take you back to the normal desktop view.

Does he like me or is he just being nice?

alright i like this guy. but its weird like he never IMs me or texts me i have to do it frst. but when were talking hes nice and all and makes it seem like he wants to hangout. like we both went the same place the other day but at different times and he was like ahhh thats sucks. and then last night i hungout with him but i was stupid and hardly talked! it was bad! and like when i was by him his friends were acting real weird almost joking about something that i didnt kno of? and all i kno is he was like shutup. to them. then when i was texting him and i was like sorry for not tlaking and told him he looked cute. and he said hahaha gee thanks you to =p then i said thanks but he never texted back. is it just being nice? like i really dont kno. PLEASE HELP

Monday, August 8, 2011

What do you think about waterboarding? ?

There is no evidence that the information obtained through torture is correct, especially in the case of Khalid Sheik Mohammed. When you torture somebody, they make stuff up to make it stop.

I've heard that if a guy cant please a girl in bed he takes it out on her?

But what if she is either unwilling or unable to do the tasks he likes? It's come to my attention that guys like n variety. But at times, I couldnt provide this n got boring, so I got blamed. Granted, if I had a clue, I'd've let him do anything to me to keep him happy, but in the long run, the would've dried up n he would've left me anyway. But he did please me in the beginning, and still would have if he wasnt such a prick mama's boy. So y is it that many on here say it's due to his lack of ability that he blamed me for being bad in the sack? And yes, to reinforce this, he let anyone who'd listen know, particularly those in my own family(though I was the last to know). It just shows what a prick he was. I just want to b educated here, I know next to nothing about guys. So this throws me for a loop. sure, i'd've done anything he wanted....but not for long; no matter how great he was. I see y so many women hate now. Please do b informative n enlighten me. thanks.

A question about changing societies?

How can society achieve coherence and stability when the customary ociations and attachments that had characterized village life have been ruthlessly dissolved by the rapidly developing industrial-urban-capitalist order and when religion no longer unites people? Were 20th century dictatorships responses to the dilemmas of modern society yzed by social theorists like Freud who argued that man could not be regulated without civilization doing its utmost efforts to set limits to man's aggressive instricts?

Do you think its weird to wear this jacket?

I think that outfit it like amazingly adorable. I don't know where you live, but at my school we're not allowed to wear short shorts.

Where can I find a penpal?

My friend and I are really interested in finding penpals but we're really wary of using internet sites etc. because of all of the freaky stuff that you hear about that happens. Anyone have any suggestions on where we could find penpals? Preferably that are still at high school?

Possible misscarrage?

i had unprotected a few weeks ago, then i had a late period. It was diffrent though as it was incredibly painfull, i got fevers and chills, it was heavy and i vomited several times. Could i have had a misscarrage, im unsure if i was pregnant or not.

What makes jesus GOD or son of GOD?

Because Scripture says he is the Son of God. God plain flat said that Jesus was his son. First at Jesus baptism (Matthew 3:16) and then again at the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:9) and there were witnesses to it.

er vs. Margarine with baking??

margerine is worse! it hastrans, er taste better! avoid margerine more than u do er..tell him er occasionally is fine! just exercise!

I'm going to forgive someone who hurt me....?

i think you are doing a great thing by forgiving someone. they say that giving up is a weakness, but actually in all truth letting go of something so close to your heart & something that tore you apart shows that ur a very strong person, strong enough to forgive & forget. i think ur text is very good, & needs no work at all. just say exactly what you want that person to hear & if they text back, there is no law that states that you have to reply. do what your heart tells you too

Any kind of student loan available?

I have applied for different private student loans and have not been approved for any of them. I have two good credit worthy co-signers. If you could please tell me any private student loans that are being offered that would be great. ANY at all! Thank you.

What do I do if she wants a wedding and I don't?

I am on the brink of deciding to get married. The thought scares me. That's beside the point. I know she would like a wedding with familly and friends. But I'm more the vegas type, very private. What do I do?

Was my diet ok?? Bad??? ?

you have a lot of wheat, and pasta and fruit in your diet. you need more calcium, like dairy. You should also try getting more protein in your diet. But over all yes your diet seems fine

What do you think of this tattoo?

I don't think this is racist. I am black and I see no problem with that. If it's truly about your family then it shouldn't matter, and if that's what you really want then who cares what others say. You probably will have to explain it a lot to people, but it's a tattoo for your family that you care about and I think its a great idea.

Will Osama have made a video in anticipation of the recent event claiming to be alive and well in Paris?

He's dead, the Americans wouldn't lie about this, its to easy for them to be proven wrong and made to look like utter fools

What is your favorite NFL football team?

My family's originally from Ohio, and we lived in Akron until I was 8. I was raised with a love for the Cleveland Browns that is undying. The history that is ociated with this franchise is something I'm proud of. My Dad had Brian Sipe, and I experienced the Bernie Kosar years. The magic never left... a real fan loves their team no matter the record. That what makes Cleveland Browns fans special. GEAUX BROWNS!!!

How much is a blackberry per month?

I have at&t and my 2 year contract runs out soon. I was wondering how much it would cost per month if i got a blackberry curve with just email, texting (200 per month), and obviously the phone (800 minutes). Also is there a difference between the blackberry and blackjack?

Should I call my doctor?

Coming into the last few weeks of pregnancy, there is less room for the baby to move around so you will feel stronger kicks but less often, if your worried about if the baby is moving enough or not, lie on your side in the quiet, and set a timer for an hour, count the amount of kicks you get. You should get at least 10, if not take a walk or drink some juice and start again, its normal for the baby not to be as active everyday

What are some unique (non-banquet hall) locations in Chicago for weddings?

The best wedding that I've ever attended was in Chicago. My brother-in-law got married on a boat that goes from the river downtown out to the lake (the priest was on the boat only for the ceremony, then we dropped him off so we could drink and dance all night), so you get to take in all of Chicago's architecture, very cly. It was also on a long weekend so we got to see the fireworks that are set off from a boat on the lake. Most of the wedding pictures have fireworks in the background. It was a great experience for everyone. You will not be disappointed.

Messenger on the computer?

you wont be able to delete his unless as it will need to be logged in with his pword. To use your own make sure you have a valid yahoo id (you obviously have cos you are using one here lol) then click at the top messenger and sign out. that should sign your son out and give you a log in screen. Just log in with your own details and off you go it is now your messenger and will hold your settings

I need help on a sum in physics on projectile motion , please help!?

A gun is kept on a straight horizontal road is used to hit a car traveling along along the same road away from the gun with a uniform speed of 72 Km/hr. The car is at a distance of 500 m from the gun when the gun is fired at an angle of 45� to the horizontal . Find (i) the distance of the car from the gun when the shell hits it and, (ii) the speed of projection of the shell from the gun.

The lucky Guy(epic)?

just read it out to the family and everyone has their legs akimbo and there is quite a lot of snorting and hee heeing going on...well done.. loved it....applause from all of us.

Where to find a $5 off $25 or $10 off $50 printable Petco coupon that isn't expired?

I usually find one on line pretty easily. But this time I am having trouble. If someone knows where to find one I would appreciate a link.

Why with the spit-second subtitles on The Da Vinci Code?

i noticed while i was watching the movie The Da Vinci Code, subtitles would come up and at times, they would flash by so quickly you didnt even see what they said! why? we even tried to slo-mo it so we could read it, no such luck. does anyone know if there is any significance to this? why flash it if it werent meant to be read in the first place??

Where can I find free music downloads?

I've used Limewire and it was great but I uninstalled it because it wasn't working out anymore. I've tried ares and that didn't work either. What other music downloads are there that are FREE 100% FREE, no payment what so ever?

What is the best margarita to make "on the cheap"?

1800 Tequila and Margaritaville margarita mix. Orange juice is a good sweetener, but I have also added a splash of strawberry daiquiri drink mix.

Haha is this really weird or is it just me?

ok this was kinda creepy the other day btw im a 13 year old boy. i ordered a pizza for delivery and the guy called me right up the street from my house i didnt know the number and i thought it was a salesman when they said is judy there (mom) i said shes not home right now and he said its the pizza man i said oh and told him how to get to my house so now he knows my parents arent home. he got out of his car and from the beggining i could tell he looked kinda weird so when he was leaving i said have a nice day and he said i will talk to you soon and it really creeped me out i got paranoid and left my house for a while i seriously thought i was gonna have to beat someones *** lol but is tht weird to anyone i know ill talk to you soon is a figure of speech but like idk what do you think

What do you think of these books?

I've never read "Zero" but as far as "Fear and Loathing", Hunter S. Thompson is a genius as only drugged-up, madmen can be. I have never read anything that describes a drug-induced trip so well. Absolutely ingenious. Oh and "Catcher in the Rye." That's just my personal preference. However, I think you will enjoy both if you like Hunter S. Thompson. They both very much delve into the human psyche.

Athiest and Christians - Opinion?

The greatest evangelical tool for athiesm is christians who accept Christ with their lips but deny him with their lifestyle.

What challenges does climate change present to the american crocodile as a species?

I think it might help their species if it allows them to thrive farther north and increase their range.

Cubase 4 on mac?

Cubase 4 is pretty damn awesome... But it isn't going to work. I'm guessing that it is in actual version, that it is not cracked, and that it was actually bought from Steinberg. Because of this, even though it is real and registered - it won't work. The full versions of Cubase use a dongle, a USB key-type-thing - it's an actual piece of hardware that activates the program.... theres always

Help with this question. margin loan?

my broker suggested i take a marginal loan on what i want to borrow to buy real estate. she said i just pay the interest back over 7 years and the interest we pay goes back into our account. i was going tell her to sell my investment and used to take a secure loan to buy real estate. which way is better?

Pions Spoilers?

I heard that Gwen's mystery man is her son with Ethan, do you think he will stay with Theresa or go with Gwen :O?

Where can I find data for political party demograhics?

I am doing a college political science research paper in which my topic is political party affiliation with respect to age and income. My hypothesis is do people identify with certain political parties based on their income and age? If someone can please tell me where I can get data for my paper from reliable sources that would be great. And any other information about how to structure the paper would help me as well. Thanks!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Some sisters on a bus were chucking sweet wrappers at me and then denying it was them?

I am so sorry you were treated like that , the bus driver should have done his job . Next time if some does something like this to you muslim or not and no one does anything to help you call the cops . Its their job ....

What is the point of praying if you usually never get an answer? And if you do it's not what you want?

THE TYPICAL PERSON would probably just say something like, "well it's what God wants, not what you want, it's his version of an answer." But the problem with that is, if we never really get an answer, or what we want, then how do we know there is a God? 99% of the time we do not get an answer and the other 1% is simply coincedence. I don't believe in God, and lots of things i hear about jesus and the bible just reinforces my disbelief

What is it like to live in the dahye beirut?

i am a canadian and my husband is lebanese and were thinking of moving over there .. and i was wondering what its like compared to here or just what its like in general

How many presidential candidates?

Won the election for U. S. president that you voted for? I began voting in 1960's for JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, G.W. Bush twice. I may have made a mistake or two, but I voted. How about you?

I need a cute outfit from like a7f and abercrombie but aforablelike under $50 or $60?

buy it on sale! u can get a a tee and some pants for $45 dolalrs! htey have so much stuff no one ever notices from whcih section u bought it in! i think u should buyt the stuff at anf(a&f) or hco( holister) bcuz htye clohtes jsut look more well i dotn know not as childish as abercrombie looks! jsut remember to smile and u wil look great)

Help with babies names Numbers 4 and 5 :)?

First of all, all the names you have chosen are pretty awesome names! I love Phoebe, but that may be because she is the star of my all time favorite TV show. Anyway. I like the middle name Eliza or Rayne (girl) and Asher Dane or Abe Carson. Good luck!

Can I Get an AMEN? hehe... (an easy couple of points) ?

So this may seem like not so much a question... But how many of you out there who are trying to get pregnant find "day 28" in your cycle to be the absolute worst? I mean it's not enough that your mind is whirling asking itself over and over and again whether the "symptoms" you are feeling are just PMS or something a little bit more exiting, but then we have to wait for dear AF to show up (or not show up) which to me right now is the worst thing ever!! especially since i am sitting here at work in front of my computer ALL DAY trying not to stare at the countless number of pregnancy websites just calling out your name, begging for you to come and read all the juicy little articles about what your baby looks like right now at this exact moment... not only that, but the fact that you feel like you are having to pee all the time and you do feel slightly nauseous but can't tell whether it is in your head or not.... I just hate days like today, I almost wish that i could have morning sickness instead of this right now, just i would know for sure... To me i think this may just be the hardest phase of my (hopefully) pregnancy... Am I just insane or are there others out there like me too? (I guess of course it doesn't help that i have been so slow at work and have nothing else to do then ask these crazy questions :-) )

Is that sentence correctly written? from Small Giants?

Was this written as a play? When spoken aloud,it sounds different. Like written music has spots that singers take in air. Hope that makes sense.

Best romantic rock songs?

Anyone have any suggestions? Looking for songs like Aerosmith: I don't wanna miss a thing, The Calling: Wherever you will go, Bon Jovi: Always, etc. Lyrics are paramount. Thanks.

How to change boot screen for China Made Motherboard?

Either re flash the BIOS or use Tune Up utilities and change the boot screen. There's a 30 day trial at

SPANISH HELP please (10 points)?

me gusto, te gustas te encantas me encanto me gusto me gusto te gustas me encanto me gusto me encanto

Trevor Pryce???????????????

Do you think Trevor Pryce will retire as a Bronco or Raven. The dude won 2 SB rings with the Broncos so I think that would make more sense to retire as a Bronco. What do you think?

What Should I Do (bullying???)?

ok well,theres this girl (we're both 13 and in 8th grade) that keeps talking crap to me.i never did a damn thing to her and shes flippn out on at school,in music cl,she was calling me ugly and saying that i was a loner(i dont have alot of friends,but still!!!),she was yelling and stuff,and i said shutup leave me alone and f*ck you.its her and her friend that keeps on doing this.they wont stop,i told the princible and she didnt do anything at mom and dad knows about this,and they say that i should just fight with her,but im really small and skinny,and ive never really fought anyone,i was a fighter when i was younger but i do want to fight them because theyre really bullying me and theyll keep doing it until i do something,what should i do?

Name that ugk rap song !!!?

i heard it on sirius radio a while ago. i dont know much lyrics, but i know pimp c is rapping and a girl ask him, "would you kill for me" and he replies "yes, if my life was endanger". plz help

2 babynames. Please answer :)?

Gray Rose I think is a pretty name .I don't really like Angela Violet what about Violeta Anhela (is in Spanish).*_*.

Anyone else think Johnathan Davis (Korn) voice is too whiny?

I was really into Korn my 8th grade year going into Freshman, I decided to start listening to some of my old favorite songs but for some reason his voice is just too whiny for my ears.

Would they allow me to take my Canon EOS Rebel XSi into the U2 concert at the Rose Bowl?

Ok if you took it into the concert you probably wont get a chance to use it. Often your going to be too far away in too dark an environment to do any justice to your pictures. If they did allow it you would probably waste a roll of film and annoy the band with flashes Unless its day time I think it will be a waste of time The other thing you would need is at least a 200x or 300x s telephoto auto lens to even enjoy the pictures. I doubt they will let it in anyway. In keeping with standards that entertainment try to instill they would rather you buy quality pictures than allow you to take a bunch wher you might get one good one if your lucky. Ill give you an example I have had my camera at sporting events in full daylight and took a few good pictures. On the other hand I have tried to take pictures with my canon Rebel and Elan II and found that at concerts you would have to be standing very close to the band to get good pictures because of lighting. Go have fun without it because you will also have to carry your precious camera around with you all night. Its like carrying a baby with you. While the rebel is a great camera it has its own limits and so do you.